Monday, February 3, 2025

Not a muse


Conversations were flowing, 

like that pretty river. 

Emotions gushing out, 

like water past the rocks. 

The words were animate, 

there was no effort. 

The smiles were real, 

no pretension either side. 

All of a sudden, she asks, 

perhaps hurtingly, 

"Am I a muse ?"

"For the moment?"

There was silence. 

Am I that guy ?

The pretty river imploded, 

The water now crushing the rocks. 

The past came screaming back, 

Was I that guy ?

Thou,  are not a muse, 

A fountainhead rather, 

creating solemn verses. 

A bubble of energy, 

positive and bright. 

A Zen master rather, 

disguised as a queen. 

Thou, are not a muse. 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Special Board

 The hall was full of Chess players from several categories ranging from a 7 year old to several senior citizens who had come for the open tournament. On one table, was sitting this visually impaired guy with his special chess set and pieces. He was sitting alone quietly. Almost as if he was listening to the moves on the other tables.
I went over to him after the last round and asked if he wanted to play. The pieces had some special marks to distinguish the whites from the blacks. They also had a pin beneath to fix them on the board as after every move, he touched all pieces to see the positions. The board was in his mind. It was inspiring to see him pursue his passion. The absence of sight could not stop him. And he had a smile throughout.
And here we are, with everything we need, often complaining.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Come what may

As I was returning home after a long walk this evening, I saw one visually impaired old man walking slowly ahead of me using his stick. The railing on the footpath was a great help as the vehicles on the road were moving at quite some pace. Little ahead there was a gap in the footpath because of a smaller road going inwards.

I thought I must help him cross that tiny stretch keeping him off the road and safe from any vehicles. But the old man smiled back and went on. A smile that carried his confidence. A smile testifying that he has been doing it every day. A smile that melted all my own worries. A smile conveying gratitude. A smile inspiring everyone to smile, come what may.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Driving home a point

 It was his last day at work today. He diligently served as a driver for 32 years. As I had recently joined this office, I didn't really get to know him well. But the words of those who spoke at the farewell today were testimony of his commitment towards work. As he sat there proudly with his children and grandchildren, I recollected our conversation from the previous day.

He came to my chamber and spoke emotionally "Thank you for organising a farewell for me, a driver, and for inviting my family. For the first time, I feel honoured and respected. Please allow me to arrange lunch for you and all staff tomorrow". At the farewell too, he made clear his feelings to all. I am confident, he drove home the point, we are all one family, with just different roles.
Farewell, Bah Sylvanus Lyngdoh !

Monday, June 5, 2023

Dear Environment

Dear Environment

I know we have been bad. Really bad. Cruel and greedy too. The compulsions of livelihood have forced upon most of us some ugly choices. And this is no justification for what we have done. In the process, the ‘sustainable’ prefix of development, has not been sustained mostly. Growth and furtherance of the species has come at your cost. The balance has been ripped apart.
A significant number of us have realized all this and are making attempts to change the way we live. I just hope it is not too late. The soaring temperatures, the melting glaciers, the erratic rains and the monstrous cyclones tell us that you are angry and rightly so. This expression here is not an apology because that won’t mean or change anything. It is just that, we would like you to know that the realization is spreading.
Today, we have planted millions of trees across the earth. These tiny greens made us smile today. But I know it’s just a cliché for you. Much more needs to be done on our part to reverse the damage done already assuming that it is still reversible. I hope all of us realize the gravity of it. I hope all of us remember you everyday and not just on 5th June. I hope we all unite to take you back to your glory days. I hope, and pray, that it is not too late.
- One among the guilty 8 billion.