Saturday, June 25, 2011


In this world every equation is balanced, every action has a reaction, every motion has friction and every good entity has evil in situ. We all have it inside.Sometimes it is lust or sometimes greed.Envy.Wrath.So many. And sometimes it is just a moment of madness.But it does come out often. And we all try to hide it behind our skins and don't allow it to surface.Not because we hate it. We do it to save ourselves from being hated.We fear an outcast.

But is it right to fake? And why are we so obsessed to please the society ? Will we ever attain salvation being what we are not ?

If we have faith in universal equilibrium and the principles of checks and balances, we can not deny the possibility of a Devil for a given God. As per beliefs, God is the good cop. He cares and nurtures the universe. And blesses people who accept his supremacy and become his devotees.Rather followers.And God as the dictator.Devil on the other hand demands nothing for himself. He would rather want you to let yourself go free.He would rejoice a world without any rules.He would stand for absolute freedom.He would liberate your soul. Still he is called the bad cop. Sometimes I feel this good cop bad cop routine is an ambush. Isn't there a tiny possibility that the reality is this routine with role reversal ? What if the devil's path is the road to nirvana ? Weird though interesting.

All the time we talk about morals and ethics.All the time we flaunt our good deeds.But haven't you heard what the joker said.People are only as good as the world allows them to be.When the chips are down, these so called civilized people will eat other.We do have animal instincts. And this world order will soon only obey jungle law.Survival of the fittest. The question is how long you can hold it in? How long will it be before you unleash the Shaitan within.


Nikhil Kumar said...

Quite right to say that to an extent man is governed by the outside influences. A good way to judge your actions would be to visualize - "What if I were on the other side?".

Genie said...

I think we are too inferior to the supreme powers. Our judgements would hardly count.

ronsin said...

random thought - god and devil (if they exist) might as well be the same

Genie said...

Hmmm. If they are two sides of the same coin then certainly there would remain no question of judgements.No black and white.Only grays.