Thursday, July 30, 2009

Neal N Nikki

Nikki, I don't get it.How can a guy spend all his life with a girl ? Hey !
why are you giggling ? Oh come on for god sake...I did not mean he should
go for a dude just beacause its legal now! I meant how can he handle the
constant blabering which yields nothing but compressive stress and that
too all his life ?

Shut up Neal ! You Dumbass :X Apparently you are not familiar with a crazy
thing called love.Its something out of the world.Marriages are made in
heaven.Its when two souls combine.Promise to love each other till
eternity.Its so romantic.Aahhhh.When am I going to meet my Mr.Perfect?
OMG, i am so ready for it !

You know what you need.A reality check.Life is not a romantic flick with a
hot chick.Get real princess.And the reality is that girls are super
annoying.They invented the word 'Nag'.They are never satisfied with their
guy.There is nothing like love.Rich guys get pretty girls.Thats whats
real.You get me ?

Where on earth you get all this shit from? I know you Neal ! You have
never been in a relationship.You never had a girlfriend.You never had a
friend who is girl except for me for crying out loud.You have been always
scared of girls.You assumed things.Alot of things to be precise and not a
thing which is right about girls.Have you not read "Pink" by "genie" ?And
no Neal, we are not annoying.We are normal human beings and prefer to do
things in a normal way.And thats what bothers guys who just want to chill
all the time.I wonder if the word human would become huwoman.We just like
everything organized and perfect.Thats nagging to them.And love is not physical attraction dude.You are so off the lane.It dosent matter how we look like.Its our actions that define us.Neal, when someday you will love a person more than yourself, when someday you will feel
complete with her, then she will be the beauty for you.You will never see
anything more beautiful than her.Believe you me.Its so damn true.

Hey, don't try to Emo-trap me girl.I am not so easy.

I get that you rat ! Just let the day come.You will understand this
someday or the other.And then you will come to me with your cute little
love story.And I will be all oh I don't have time for this shit.Don't Emo
-trap me Neal ! [devilish smile]

In your dreams ! Never gonna happen girl.But if I ever change my mind
about getting married, I will prolly marry you then.How is that ?
Ok Neal ! [Fake smile or maybe real]

What?[suprised and scared] I was just kiddin Nikki.You and me...Never.You
are so....

so what?

so[ blushes] ..... I don't want to say .

I can wait.[Smiles.For sure this time.Holds his hand in hers.]

Perhaps Love is Friendship!
Perhaps! Perhaps! Perhaps!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

नन्हा सिपाही

बात उस समय की है जब हम नर्सरी स्कूल में पढ़ा करते थे। वो भी क्या दिन थे, न कोई फ़िक्र , न कोई आशाए और ना ही कोई अपेक्षाए। शायद वो ही एक ऐसा समय था जब हर जगह में सुन्दरता दिखती थी, हर चेहरा मुस्कुराता लगता था और हर अनजान शक्स अजीज दोस्त लगता था। उस समय हम इस कदर खुबसूरत लगा करते थे की हर कोई हमे अपनी बाहों में भर लेता था और हमारे कोमल गालो पे अत्याचार करता था।

मजे की बात तो ये थी की इस अत्याचार में लड़किया सबसे आगे रहती थी। और हम आज भी उतने ही खुबसूरत लगते है, बस लोगो का नजरिया बदल गया है। चलिए अपनी सुन्दरता के किस्से हम फ़िर कभी सुना देंगे। आइये वापस चलते है बचपन के उन हसीन लम्हों में। तो हमारे माता पिता दोनों ही नौकरी किया करते थे। इस वजह से हमें वो हमारे बहुत अजीज रिश्तेदारों के घर छोड़ दिया करते थे। हमारे लिए वो एक दुसरे घर जैसा हो गया था जहा हम दिन भर खेलते कूदते थे। वो सब भी हमारा बहुत ख्याल रखते थे और बहुत सारा वाला प्यार करते थे। हमारे साथ हँसते थे, खेलते थे और क्या नही करते थे।

फ़िर जब हम तीन साल के हुए तो हमारी भरती स्कूल में की गई और फ़िर हमारा उनके घर आना जाना कम हो गया। पर जहा दिल के तार जुड़ जाते है वहा की याद तो हमेशा ही आती है। तो बात उस दिन की है जब हमारे माता पिता हमारे लिए मिलिटरी की पोशाक लाये थे जिसे हम अपने विद्यालय की आकर्षक पहनावा प्रतियोगिता में प्रर्दशित करने वाले थे। उसे देख कर हम इतने उत्साहित थे की उसी समय हमने उसे पहनने की जिद की और फ़िर जब बात नही बनी तो अपना राम बाण उपयोग करने की सोची। जल्दी से हमने अपना रोने वाला चेहरा बनाया और उसपे मायूसी का तड़का लगाया। जादू चल गया। झट से हमने पोशाक पहन भी ली। 

माशा अल्लाह ! उस दिन तो हमने सेना में जाने की ठान ही ली थी। सभी ने
बहुत तारीफ़ की। फ़िर हमें याद आई हमारे दुसरे घर की। उन्हें ये रूप दिखाए बिना हमें चैन कहा आता। हमने अपने माता पिता से जिद की पर इस बार बात नही बनी। और इस बार कोई दाँव पेंच नही चले। हमारा दूसरा घर काफ़ी दूर था। पर हमें रास्ता याद था। तो हमने सोचा की हमें अकेले ही जाना चाहिए। तो बिना कुछ सोचे समझे हम निकल पड़े। तीन साल के थे हम और ऊपर से ये पोशाक। फ़िर भी उस समय हमें समझ नही आया था की लोग क्यूँ हमें इस तरह घुर घुर के देख रहे थे। काफी देर बाद जब हम अपने दुसरे घर पहुचे तो हमें देख वो सब उत्साहित होने की जगह चिंतित हो गए।

हमें घर पे न पाकर हमारे माता पिता तो डर ही गए थे। पुरे इलाके में हमारी खोज बीन चालू हो गई। फ़िर जब हमारे रिश्तेदारों ने हमें वापस घर लाया तब जाकर हमारे माता पिता की जान में जान आई। तब हमें लगता था की हमने ऐसा क्या कर दिया। आज उस बारे में सोचते है तो समझ आता है की उस नन्हे सिपाही ने क्या गुल खिलाये थे।

Friday, July 17, 2009


I simply loved the first one. It was not Optimus Prime who impressed me, it was not the superb situational comedy and it was not Megan Fox. Or maybe she was. But mainly it was the mindboggling level of animation that was achieved in the movie. It’s simply out of the world stuff. It looks so real that somewhere deep down inside you develop a feeling that someday this fantasy may come true into our lives. That’s the magic of animation. Effective animation to be precise and not the one used in Rajnikant flicks. Coming back, the second had a great story line but since we had seen all the cool stuff before, it didn’t make the impact it should have. Moreover, it was a bit too long. And that gave me time to think about the word ‘Transformers’ and what can we make of it in real life with respect to the context of the movie.

The Transformers belonged to some other planet and to hide on earth they transformed into things which belonged here. Some wanted to save the earth, some to own it. How similar to this human race they were.

And when I tried to relate them the other way around, a beautiful thought came to me. We are not born with what we really want to achieve and our life is an opportunity to go about it. All of us have dreams, ambitions and desires. But to make them a reality, we need to transform ourselves into someone with that capability. We need to transform ourselves getting rid of all the short comings and weaknesses. We need to transform ourselves to someone who we really want to be. We need to transform ourselves so that we can make the world like we want it to be.

All we need is to believe in ourselves.
We all can be Optimus Prime.
We all can be Transformers.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Dark Night !

Black clouds all around,
shadowing the moon,
with that devilish silver line,
and the wind gone all wild,
I stare at the dark night.

Lost in the labyrinth of life,
the soul searches for,
the peace of mind.
Beside the evil woods,
breaks a ray of light,
so bright so shiny,
that my eyes go blind.

The maverick in me calls,
wants to break free.
He steps his way out,
towards the golden streak.

But then he looks around,
countless streaks surround.
The destiny awaits a choice,
but so identical are the lights,
And he stares at the dark night.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


This number is really special to me.I have never craved for any other number so passionately.After seven embarrassing,utterly long,dull,lonely and sad days, i finally can say that i have it and you can call me anytime on this.Please do call.

We were supposed to take a post paid connection for official reasons and the whole batch gathered near the two red counters at our office building.One where you can express yourself and other which is always happy to help.But as i have been a hardcore follower of the former, i decided to continue.And there it was.The dark side took over and haunted me for a week thereafter.But the junta was with me.The popular vote was with me.Go Airtel ! We were promised an activation within 24 hours.Now when that person said this, what i heard was " We promise activation within 24 hours. Except you, loser !" .I bet no one else heard that.I really did.

That was a Thursday.Time passed by.I was expecting to hit the towers by Friday night.But was not aware of the trap they had it all laid for me.That weekend was probably the longest one of my life.I wanted to get connected so badly, I restarted my phone like a zillion times.Ergo got disappointment a zillion times.Almost everyone got the activation done by the weekend.But there were some unfortunate ones.The chosen ones.Others were busy exchanging their new numbers.Calling up friends and relatives.Smsing their love interests.And the chosen ones sat there watching them. Drowned in the pool of jealousy.I so wanted to exchange numbers.I so wanted to call up.Ahhh.Unfortunate times.

The fifth day passed by.Still sim-dead.But there was more to it.And sadly just for me.All other chosen ones got lucky.One by one all fell down.One by one all left me.I was alone.I was now the exclusive one.I stood still, staring at the mercy less screen of my mobile.Now was the high time to step up and rebel.I called up the manager under whose jurisdiction lied the fate of my communication asset.I yelled at him.I accused him.I even wanted to sue him for crying out loud.

Just tell me by what time I can expect my damn sim to work.It has been 6 days now.Are you kidding me or what? You gave a 24 hr limit right.Now I am giving it back to you.If you don't activate the stupid thing in 24 hr, you will see something you have not seen yet(really loud).

Sorry for the inconvenience caused but i would be needing your number ?


I assure you it will be done by today.But on a different note, you got a really cool number !(trying to make the conversation light)

what? Are you nuts or what ? Listen you, don't get me started man.Do your job first you jackass.

The day passed by.Nothing.I decided to take the other option.Go vodafone ! But probably Airtel heard that.That evening it happened.I was on ! Bliss ! I was so happy that i forgot that i have been waiting to call people.I just can't explain that feeling. I would like to thank Vishal,Gunjan,Abhineet,Rishi and many more who stood by me in these desperate times.If ever in future you guys fall for this activation ambush, i will be there for you.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hyderabad Blues

New City.New Dreams.New people.You can fall in love with this place as soon as you hop on.Big broad wavy curvy roads all around.If you choose to ignore the awful driving practices people follow here,its a beautiful place.And OMG, the weather here... Not hot,not cool ! So cool !

But then, its always about the people and not the place.I miss home for my parents.I miss KGP for my friends.I miss Mech Dep for the manu guys.I miss RP for rpians.And I miss my wing for those lovely people who inspired me,stood by me,laughed with me,consoled me at times.I miss you all.

Sometimes when you miss people, you have the option to call them.I was denied of that too.It has been five long and frustrating days since i got my post paid Airtel connection, but its still not activated.Sometimes i just hold my cell and stare in despair at those two painful words.Inactive Sim.Only when we don't have the technology, we feel like calling everyone.Damn irony and damn Airtel!

Watching a movie in an air-cooled theatre sometimes helps us fight with our personal problems.And there are times, when doing the same makes you want to kill yourself.Sadly, this was the later one.Kambaqt Isqk.Do i really need to elaborate on that? I don't actually.But still I will.There is no way you can make it worse. They did it all.So much money, so many actors ....all in vain ! It was like a glamour show by Bebo ! It was all about Bebo ! Bebo Bebo ..can a song get more crappy ! I was so depressed that even Rakhi ka Swayamber seemed to make sense.Desperate times.And you know what made it even worse, we got the tickets in black.

Its always great when we get an invite for a lunch.Specially when we are away from home and have been paying for it lately.And the fact that we don't even know where we are going, makes it interesting.So, my friend got an invite from some friend of his who also works in the same company as we.He asked me to go along.So we did.There we were having a talk with the family who invited us for a lunch.I skipped breakfast in the hope of Ghar ka Khana.A sudden knock at the door.Few more guests joined us.And then there it was.A trick question from aunty.You both are staying for lunch right ? I looked at my friend.He looked at me.Both feeling exploited,tricked and used.It was obvious that those guests were unexpected and they had a greater priority than us.And the food seemed limited.So, we had no choice.We pretended to have some engagements but our disappointed faces gave it all up.We came out.Looked at each other again.Laughing out loud this time.

It has been a shaky start.But, what the hell.Aku is right.As always.Its all about the two P's.Patience and Positive attitude.