Friday, June 16, 2017

Rage, rage

If you have traveled through the zillion hawker centers or basement Food Courts in several Shopping malls of Singapore, you would have noticed many old people working as cleaning staff or as helpers. Intrigued, I tried to get some answers from them on why they had to still work?
For some it was to avoid boredom and for others it was the will to continue to contribute to the society. For very few, it was about the money. Whatever be the reason, you would surely be blown away by their energy. Overwhelmed by their perpetual industry, I remembered those wonderful lines by Dylan Thomas celebrating the undying spirit....
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."


Vibha said...

As people named Thomas Dylon a roistering , drunken and doomed poet.But the wisdom came from all that heart- round the grief of the ages/ who pays no praise and wages.

Vibha said...

My words of wisdom,
Ship is stuck in mountain, captain Jack! Oh,Goddame! old age is coming to attack .