Monday, August 16, 2010

Dev D

Feel like throwing up,
drinking to the last drop,
of that magical water.
They say it'll take away my pain.
i doubt though.
Look at the way it shines,
and it calls to me.
Over and over again.
Don't know, how long I can resist?
This very temptation.

Feel like running away,
far from this crowd.
from these questions,
and these sad answers,
and the truth that,
there is only one love.
Can't believe it's true.
damn stars and damn astrology.

Feel like crying,
to my last breath,
crying out loud, O Lord,
why did you do this?
It'll break me inside out.

Feel like giving up,
going to the top of that,
black dark lonely hill.
And then,
embracing the blue sky,
spreading my wings, like a free kite!

Feel like Dev D!


sid said...

Never be like a Dev D. I knw you can never be Dev D. Writing is a good if not the best means to vent out. Tk Care

Whats in a name.......... said...


Whats in a name.......... said...

feel like rising like a phoenix,
from the ashes of the dark to the light of the skies

feel like using this solitude
to find the "I" in the crowd
to fly like a bird, soar high up
above all the petty world-liness,
mocking at it every moment, feeling sad for its cynism.

feel like never giving up,
but standing up tall
shouting out the world,
its your bad, you do not know what you are missing out on.

Genie said...

i don't know how to thank you Mariya... means a lot .... and she won't miss on anything... i'll be there...always

Genie said...

feel like rising like a phoenix,
but these cages of memories,
won't let me fly.

feel like using this solitude
to find the "I" in the crowd
But end up crying for "We".

feel like never giving up,
but find myself weakened,
by those shadows.

feel like having someone by my side.