Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rare earth elements

In this Kalyug, where morality has taken a back seat, people are driven by rage and seek vanity. In fact vanity has become their favorite sin. Selfishness has become pervasive and as a result it has moved on from the chambers of amoral values to those of practicality. No one questions the phenomenon which is ubiquitous. If everyone pees on the wall, it's not a wall anymore. Rather a public urinal. Of late , it comes in-situ with human beings.

Money has replaced self-actualization from the Maslow's hierarchy of needs and apparently there is nothing you can't buy. Apparently. There is nothing wrong in going for money. Even the Protestants preached the spirit of capitalism and even our vedas underpinned the essence of Artha i.e. livelihood. At least it keeps you occupied. Empty spaces are vulnerable and the devil seeks then desperately.  I never understood the point in leaving everything and ascending to the forest hills to seek nirvana. They say  sab moh-maya hai. But then why the hell are we here. At least ambitions give us a purpose to pursue. Way better than just sitting under a damn tree all your life.

People do get carried away though. They take this purpose so seriously that they seek it by all means possible. And most of us are lost in the scramble for self gratification. And  even if we reach there someday, we realize that we have been moving so fast pushing aside everyone in the way. The goal stands conquered but coupled with alienation and loneliness.

There has to be a balance of sorts. Balance is everything. We as a species will only survive if we maintain a balance with the nature. We as an individual would survive only if we balance self-gratification with the selflessness. Only if we live for others as well. Only if we have a shared vision. There is joy in achieving but only if you have people to share it with. But the thing is, there are few good people around these days. So if you find any, make sure you don't loose that person because of petty infatuations of pride and prejudice. Such people are like rare earth elements. Hard to find & most precious for sure.


Unknown said...

always help those who are in need , feed those who are hungry
then peace will privail

Unknown said...

always help those who are in need , feed those who are hungry
then peace will privail

sid said...

I liked the line "There is joy in achieving but only if you have people to share it with". so True