Sunday, January 19, 2014

Veiled Joy!

I was woken from my slumber,
Perhaps by the cold,
All these layers of comfort,
But warmth they could not hold.

Bored with the pretentious game,
I decided to give up.
Soon to realize that,
They were voices that woke me up.

Voices of joy,
of happiness and laughter.
Voices of irrational exuberance,
of renewed enthusiasm.

Little, soft and pristine,
Precious whites descended,
From the skys, and millions of them.
All of a sudden, it was all quite.

The voices were gone,
As all were lost,
At the beauty of the sight,
With the snow covering all,
We bid adieu to the cold night!

It all looked so sparkling,
It all looked so white,
The elderly were concerned,
While the kids slid around.
All looked so joyous,
And even the nature smiled!

As the beautiful day dusked,
Our fleets retreated.
Still soaked in the beauty,
Still wet with joy.

They all went back, to those layers,
Of comfort and of warmth,
Satisfied with the harmony,
We portrayed that night.

But few had the vision,
That dawn was to unveil.
The soothing light was to be,
The uncovering heal.
As the white layer diminished,
the truth was coming out,
shameful and filth.

The snow left us,
Deep in disgrace.
The ubiquitous garbage,
Created by the human greed,
Smirked at the mankind!

“What have you done,
Why have you ruined your mother?
How long could have,
The pretty snow covered your filth?
How long?”, it said.

Embarrassed, some sighed.
But for most,
it didn't matter,
it never did, never will,
and the mankind would perish someday,
beneath this veiled joy!

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