Saturday, September 12, 2015

LBS Diaries Part 3 - स्वस्थ रहो!

We humans are sometimes so amusing, even to ourselves at times. Even when we know that something can be beneficial for us, we do not accept it without question as we are always skeptical to put up the effort required to do that. With morning PT we face the same dilemma. I mean who would debate against the fact that such morning PT sessions on the beautiful landscape of Mussoorie are purifying to our health. But who the hell likes to wake up at five in the morning. And it gets worse for that roommate who selflessly volunteers to wake up first. Folks, take a bow, for all those 30-minutes early roommates. It is for you that the rest half gets to sleep some more.

But the bottom line is, for the next three months, our Right to Sleep derived from Art. 21 providing Right to Life and liberty would be compromised. And we must accept the bitter pill, the sooner the better. So everyday around 5 30 in the morning, gloomy faces come out of the campus gates covered with LBS tracks with the hood covering their agonized faces. They march forward with the hands in their pockets when suddenly out of nowhere in the dark some ITBP personnel shout out loud "Hands out Sir, Good morning!" The OTs hesitatingly take out their hands mumbling some words back at them. Mostly would love to reply back "No no, this is not 'Good' morning. On Sundays, when we sleep through the morning, that my friend, is a 'Good' morning." But like the commoners in a martial law, we keep our feelings to ourselves.

There are various grounds in the campus itself or near to it. The happy valley ground or the football ground near it. These can easily accommodate even the inflated OT strength but they had to choose a ground to which the travel time is nearly 20 mins. I am sure the word "Polo" has entered the wrath list of most of the OTs. They tell us that the beautiful and serene view will make up for it. Duh. that might work for a day, even for the second day, for a week to a few nature lovers, what about the rest of the FC?

So after deep deliberations on How PT is just a tool to make us sleep early in the night, how other academies have various relaxations when it comes to PT and lastly the ineffectiveness of some naive stretches, we finally reach our destinations and line up as per our OT codes. Amidst the various stretches they make us do, the PTI tell us that we should keep our eyes wide open while doing eny variation. On being asked why, one of them confidently said "साब लोग, अपनी आँख खुली रखे, क्या पता ऊपर से क्या गिर जाये, अपने आप को बचा के रखे!" God, that was visionary. That was some random shit. Or shall I say random bird shit!

Apart from just turning out on time everyday, they also want the male OTs to be clean shaved everyday. Duh admin, you have just forced us to pre-pone our alarm clocks by 15 precious minutes. We have tried all the possible excuses by now-"पिम्पल हो गए है सर", "सर वो Mach ३ का ब्लेडवा ही नहीं मिल रहा है", "किया था सर, फिर उग गयी ". In case of any sign of non-compliance, they warn us that the PT personnel would "feel up" our cheeks. Yes please, that's the only thing remaining i guess. Go ahead, feel our cheeks, if in fact that makes you happy, or a more suitable synonym for it, gay!

After the ridiculously boring set of stretches, finally we get the orders to disperse with a loud call at the top of our voices "स्वस्थ रहो!". Yes, that's a good one but you know what else is required for good health. Good Sleep, long and without interruptions. Anyway, the road back to our hostels is difficult, uphill and too steep at times. This indeed is the real deal. But in spite of all these, I see some people who run all the way back, some who go the gym post this and some who go out for a bike ride. Great stuff guys.

On a serious note, these three months are going to be hard. But at the end, they are going to make us harder too. Stay healthy, stay foolish!

P.S. To read about the Short trek to Kempty, Click Here!

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