Sunday, January 31, 2010

Avatar 3D * * * * *

It's not a movie.It's above it.It's an experience so fantastic and innovative that it will take your breathe away.It will make you hate earth.You just can not imagine how deep is the rabbit hole courtesy James Cameron.People might fuzz about the 3D effects but at the end it does not even matter.The thing that mesmerizes you is the 'Imaginarium of Dr.Cameron'.The way he structured Pandora and the 10-feet blue giants.The flora of Pandora will be the most beautiful thing you will ever see in your life.The beautiful and lightened trees and flowers. Some wonderfully weird creatures.

The storyline is pretty awesome too.Humans have found out a new planet Pandora where the Navi's live.Beneath the mammoth tree in which they are inhabited, there lies large volumes of some precious stone which the humans seek.They try to negotiate with the local giants for almost five years by sending to them robots which look like them but are mentally controlled by a human.They are called Avatars.Through the avatars human try to understand the Navi's ultimately to make the deal happen.But things go to the unexpected levels when an disabled ex-marine joins the army at Pandora.He somehow manages to please the people of Pandora and becomes one of them but only to find him changing sides.He decides to help the Navi's and their sacred love for the nature.

The thing that will shake the ribs out of you is a phenomenon.That every living organism is connected to the nature and to each other through some bonds and everything is controlled or can be controlled by a central nervous system.In our words, suppose you have a tale with a USB port and so do all the living things and then you can download data from any tree or something.Wouldn't that be cool ? Everyone on Pandora is thus bonded to each other and its all one entity.Isn't this awesome?There is a scene when the human forces seem to be way stronger and the future of the Navi's is on the verge of destruction, then all animals come to rescue the Navi's.That is just awesome.Nature can kick some serious ass.If you have not seen this one, I beg of you to go and see this one.Something so huge and mesmerizing will probably not take form in your lifetime again. Avatar represents the next level of cinema.It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Fantastic in short.

1 comment:

genie said...

Watched today for the third time .... it's still awesome :)