Monday, January 2, 2017

That Restart Button

Finally the cold had arrived to Guwahati, just couple of days before new year's eve. And the dusk, never had been, so enlightening as today. The sun was kissing the horizon, for one last time, this year. The cold breeze coming down from the hillocks was making the trees move in symphony. "So, what's your resolution", I asked this stranger I had just befriended.
"To start afresh, you know. All year long we plan things and we endure. We win some and loose some. But mostly we get disheartened with what we could not do overlooking what we achieved. We give in too soon. May be our ways had been wrong. May be we must endure more.
It's like when something goes wrong with our machines, we engineers hit that restart button first and to our surprise most of the problems are resolved. I do the same with my life. Hit restart, endure some more, explore some more and then strike with even more tenacity!"
And with those words, it was suddenly all quite, the ambience, and my anxiety for a resolution, both. And the dusk, never had been, so enlightening as today. Happy New Year, you all.

1 comment:

Vibha said...

Wherever you land, when you get there, dont forget, hit play :)