Tuesday, November 29, 2016

No no, not bureaucrat

Whenever people use the word "Bureaucrat" in their messages, it reminds me of a recent article where a Public Servant made an appeal for abolishing the use of the word "Babu" for government officials. I say the word "Bureaucrat" is no less an accusation. Now, on this note, some people might throw some Shakespearean philosophy at me and say,"What's in a name". Believe you me, there is lots in a name.

Sometime back in Chandigarh, they had a scheme for relocating the slum population which was titled "Slum Rehabilitation". No one wanted to be part of it as it carried the "Slum" stigma with it. Later it was rechristened as "Small Flat Owners Scheme" which evoked a much larger response. Just to put across the point.

The words in contention, "Bureaucracy or Bureaucrat" have flown from the Weberian idea of a hierarchical, rigid and iron-curtained organization. But this is not what I see when I look at the present generation of young, energetic and determined government officials. I see things in trance, for the better. Yes, may be at snail's pace, but at least we have moved past Status Quoism. So, may be a Civil Servant, or Public Servant, but no no, not bureaucrat!

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